Ok, my site is back up! I hope you
like it! I'm still not even close to done with it, but hey! i'm getting
closer! Fill out my slambook, chat in my chat box, and check everything
out. I'm very sure I'll have my site done before next year!
-teresa (last updated 7/26/99)
to private message someone use /msg
to block someone from talking to you use /ignore
with this chat box you can put it on float
so you can chat and check my site at the same time!
you can change the color of the text by pushing "|"
how to make "|" you push shift and \ and that will create |. got it???
and then right after that enter a number (i havent gotten what the color
is for the numbers so just push, i guess, any number... for example: 1,2,3,4...
etc...) then just start typing